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Silver Dollar

Silver Dollar

Quick Stats

Size Up to 8" (20cm)
Tank 180 litres +
Swimming Area Middle
Ph 6.0 to 7.5
Temperature 75ºF to 84ºF (23-29°C)
Food Flakes and frozen foods as well as live.

Common Name:

Silver Dollar


Widely distributed throughout South America, from Guyana to Paraguay, including the Amazon river basin.


The entire body is basically a strong Silver/Gray, with a high iridescence, which is highlighted when the fish are in a large school. The back is slightly darker being Greenish/Gray or Greenish/Blue in color. The Anal fin has a pale tinge of Silver color in the front that fades toward the back. The Dorsal fin is clear with a series of small dark spots. In well cared for males, the Caudal fin and the Gill cover have a Reddish border. A narrow, dark vertical band runs through each eye. As with most fish there are color variations.


10+ years.


10 to 20% weekly water change. The Silver Dollars require a large tank, a standard 55 or 40 gallon would be fine. They are schooling fish and will always be shy and skittish in a small tank, so give them as much room as possible.


The diet should primarily include plant material, particularly Romaine Lettuce, along with the various live foods.


Dark sandy material.

Tank Decor:

The tank should have no live plants as this species is mainly vegetarian in habit. The substrate should be dark in color with subdued lighting. They are schooling fish and will always be shy and skittish in a small tank, so give them as much room as possible.


Standard filtration for the size of tank.


Shallow areas of their home range that are heavily vegetated.


In nature these fish spawn in shallow, sun drenched flooded areas of rivers. In the home aquarium they have been breed in clear aged water with a temperature between 81 and 90f. The eggs hatch in about four days and are free swimming a week later. If well fed they will grow very quickly.

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