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Rainbow Shark

Rainbow Shark

Quick Stats

Size Up to 6" (15cm)
Tank 120 litres +
Swimming Area Bottom, middle
Ph 6.5 to 7.5
Temperature 73ºF to 79ºF (23-26°C)
Food Algae wafers, flakes and will also accept live.

Common Name:

Rainbow Shark


Thailand, Indonesia.


Reddish-Orange to Red coloration is shown in all the fins, not just the dorsal If the fish is in good condition the rest of the body, including the rest of the fins is Velvet or jet Black. Specimens that are in poor health or not kept in the proper conditions will appear pale and washed out.


5 to 8 years.


10 to 20% weekly water change. Do not keep with members of its own kind or any other kind of 'shark' unless there is plenty of space for both fish to establish territory and so they aren't in constant sight of each other. This fish can also be somewhat aggressive to other fish, especially other fish that live in the bottom strata. May also nip fins, but doesn't make it a habit like a tiger barb.


They need vegetable matter in their diet to grow properly. Everything is greedily taken by this fish. Feed algae sinking wafers, pellets, blood worms, brine shrimp, will also nibble zucchini and other greens.


Dark sandy material.

Tank Decor:

This fish loves caves. Provide at least 2 caves, each on opposite sides of the tank. They will sleep in their cave. A cave of wood or rocks will make the fish feel secure. If shelter is not provided they'll take to any tight fitting secure place, including behind the heater, so provide a few caves to make them happy. Planted tanks also make this fish feel more secure, so a few plants are a plus. ***CAUTION: will eat some plants, hungry or not***. Make sure the plants have relatively thick leaves, anubias or Java fern works well. The more secure the fish feels, the less aggression its likely to show.


Standard filter suitable for the size of tank.


Clear and muddy waterways littered with wood and stones.


Not recorded in the home aquarium due to its intolerance of its species.

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