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Silver Dalmation Molly

Quick Stats

Size Males Up to 6" (15cm), females larger
Tank 60 litres and above
Swimming Area Middle, top
Ph 7.0 to 8.5
Temperature 70ºF to 79ºF (21-26°C)
Food Flakes and Bloodworm

Common Name:

Molly, Sailfin Molly, Lyretail Molly


Central America, from Mexico to Columbia


Several subspecies and color varieties are known. The most popular in the hobby are: Silver, Silver Dalmation, Orange and Black.


2 to 4 years


10% weekly water changes. An easily cared for fish that does well in all types of community aquaria. Give them a fairly large tank with live plants and open swimming areas, avoid too much driftwood as a rule the livebearers do not like acidic water. Although not a schooling fish they benefit by being kept with a large number of their own kind. Temperature range from sixty-eight to seventy-seven degrees. They prefer a little sea salt in their water (one teaspoon to two gallons of water).


In addition to live and flake food their diet should be supplemented with some plant material.


A sandy bottom is best.

Tank Decor:

Give them a fairly large tank with live plants and open swimming areas, avoid too much driftwood as a rule the livebearers do not like acidic water.


Filter suitable to the size of tank in which they are housed.


Wild form in fresh and Brackish water, especially in rivers from Venezuela to Mexico.


As the male matures the Anal fin develops into a structure for reproduction called the Gonopodium. The Gonopodium can be moved in almost any direction and stores the sperm in packs called spermatophores. Once the sperm is inserted into the female, it fertilizers her eggs and the rest is stored in the Oviduct walls for later use. The eggs are very rich in yolk and the young develop by consuming their yolk stores. In light colored females pregnancy can be recognized by the growing dark body marking in front of the Anal fin. Young Live-bearers are fairly large at birth and their development is very advanced. They can swim right away, which is needed to avoid their enemies including their parents who give no natal care whatsoever. The fry grow very rapidly and will eagerly accept fine flake food. The number of fry is variable due to the size differences in the species, but in larger females can number well over one hundred.

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