Flying Fox

Quick Stats
Size | About 6" (15cm) |
Tank | 100 litres + |
Swimming Area | All |
Ph | 5.5 to 8.0 |
Temperature | 75ºF to 82ºF (24-27°C) |
Food | Flakes, Bloodworm and Algae based foods |
Common Name:
Flying Fox, Siamese Algae Eater.
Cambodia, Thailand, Borneo, Sumatra, Java and the Malay Peninsula.
The back is light olive brown to dark brown above the mid line. Below the mid line the body is creamy white. A thick ragged black stripe extends along the side of the body from the snout through the eye and into the caudal fin, where it tapers to a pount before it reaches the fork of the caudal fin.
10+ years.
10% weekly water changes. Water should be kept clean and oxygenated. Ensure there is a secure lid as these fish are good jumpers.
Mainly algae grazers, but will accept most foods.
Use a fine gravel or sand substrate.
Tank Decor:
The tank should be heavily planted and have a moderate to strong current. They will rarely harm plants, although their algae grazing may damage some of the finer-leafed plants. Provide hiding places with rocks, roots, and wood and use strong lighting to promote algae growth.
Filter suitable to the size of tank in which they are housed.
Clear flowing waters of Cambodia, Thailand, Borneo, Sumatra, Java and the Malay Peninsula. They are found at the bottom levels of streams and rivers. They move into flooded forests during flooding and may spawn there.
No spawnings in captivity have been reported.