Clown Loach

Quick Stats
Size | About 18" (50cm) |
Tank | 170 litres + |
Swimming Area | Bottom, middle |
Ph | 5.0 to 7.5 |
Temperature | 75ºF to 86ºF (24-30°C) |
Food | Flakes, Bloodworm and Catfish Pellets |
Common Name:
Clown Loach
Sumatra and Borneo.
The fins are bright Red and three black vertical bands from from the back to the belly over Orange-Red sides. The first band runs from the top of the head and through the eye, the second from the front of the Dorsal fin to the belly and the third covers the start of the Caudal peduncle and spreads on to the Anal fin. In healthy and happy specimens the colors can easily equal that of the marine reef fish.
20+ years. The oldest known in an aquarium is over 50 years old.
10% weekly water changes. Clown loaches have no special requirements on water conditions, they do however prefer a certain aquarium setup to be at their best. A tank size of 48 inches (120 cm ) with the length being more important than the depth.
Omniverous; will readily take both prepared and live foods. Worms are a particular favorite.
It is very important to have a soft or fine textured substrate as they are continually probing the upper layers with their barbels for food.
Tank Decor:
The tank does not need to be heavily planted, but the fish are shy and must have a place to hide - driftwood - caves - or even a clay flowerpot. The lighting in the tank should not be overly b
Filter suitable to the size of tank in which they are housed.
Rivers and lakes in Sumatra and Borneo, especially the flood-plains in the hill country.
Although there are reports of successful breeding experiments in Asia with injected hormones, these reports are not substantiated. Clown Loaches are not known to breed in the aquarium.