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Celebes Rainbow

Celebes Rainbow

Quick Stats

Size 2¾ in (7 cm)
Tank 60 to 80 litres +
Swimming Area Middle
Ph 7.0 to 8.0
Temperature 78ºF to 82ºF (22-28°C)
Food Crushed flakes and Brine Shrimp

Common Name:

Celebes Rainbow , Celebes Sailfish.


Streams and estuarine waters in Indonesia (Celebes) , near the city of Maros.


A very beautiful fish. In the male the body is translucent Gold, With a Blue-Green sheen when looked at from the from the front. The top as well as the belly area are pale Yellow. The sides are a OliveYellow, with bright Blue-Green stripes running down the length of the body along the backbone. The first Dorsal is a rather unimpressive Coppertone. The Second Dorsal and the anal fin are quite stunning. They are an Orange-Red at the base fading into a yellow as the fin expands. The first two rays are jet Black. The ventral fins have the Yellow tinge and the Caudal fin is pale yellow with dark upper and lower edges. The eye is a Greenish Yellow color. The females are generally paler in color overall and the Black edging of the second dorsal and anal fins is missing.


Up to 8 years.


25% weekly water changes. Not the easiest fish to care for, they require pristine water conditions. Frequent small water changes are a must.


They will accept flake and frozen food, but they will fare better with the addition of live food.


A sandy bottom is best.

Tank Decor:

The tank should be heavily planted in areas, but also have a large open area for swimming. The addition of some floating plants will also help mimic it's natural habitat.


Although you do not want heavy circulation, aeration and especially filtration should be good.


Slow moving clear streams in the hilly parts of Celebes, Indonesia.


The spawning period can last for several months. The courtship is fast paced and intense with the male always driving at the female. Once completed the female will lay the large clear yellow eggs among the plants. You will se them hanging by threads from the underside of the plants. They are spawn eaters and if possible you should remove the eggs to a rearing tank. At a temperature of around 80ºF the eggs will hatch between five to ten days. The fry will remain just below the waters surface and must be fed the smallest of flake food or paramecia. They grow fast and are sexually mature at around seven months of age.

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