Blind Cave Tetra
Quick Stats
Size | Up to 3" (8cm) |
Tank | 120 litres + |
Swimming Area | Bottom levels |
Ph | 6.0 to 7.0 |
Temperature | 68ºF to 77ºF (20 - 25°C) |
Food | Flaked, live and frozen foods |
Common Name:
Blind Cave Tetra.
Texas, Mexico, Central America to Panama.
This unique fish is without pigmentation, taking on a pink hue from the blood vessels beneath the skin.
5 + years.
10 to 20% weekly water changes.
Blind Cave fish are as easy to feed as they are to provide a habitat for. They will consume any food offered, including flake, freeze-dried, frozen, and live foods. For optimum health they should be fed a varied diet. When planning to spawn them, they should be conditions with feedings of fed live foods.
Not critical. Sand or Gravel.
Tank Decor:
Because they are an active swimmer, ample open space in which to swim is welcomed. Lighting is not a major concern, however it has been reported that the prefer it. Live or artificial plants are suitable.
Standard filter relevant to tank size.
Originating from deep caves in Mexico, where the lack of light and predators has made vision un-necessary.
Females are somewhat larger and plumper than males, but otherwise have no distinguishing markings. Prior to spawning the fish should be fed live foods for several days. To stimulate spawning drop the water temperature to 66-68 degrees. The female will scatter up to one hundred eggs throughout the breeding tank. The eggs should not be moved, as they are sensitive to handling. Fry will hatch within two to three days, and be free swimming before the week is out. Freshly hatched or frozen baby brine shrimp may be fed, as well as commercially prepared fry foods, or very finely crushed flake foods. Interestingly, the developing fry initially have eyes which waste away as the fish matures.