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Bala Shark

Bala Shark

Quick Stats

Size Up to 16" (40cm), females smaller
Tank 180 litres + for adults
Swimming Area All, mostly middle
Ph 5.8 to 7.8
Temperature 72ºF to 84ºF (22-29°C)
Food Not fussy. Flakes and will also accept live.

Common Name:

Bala shark, Tricolor Shark.


Sumatra, Thailand, Borneo and Malaysia.


Almost all the fins are edged with a wide Black band, with the front areas being bright Yellow or Orange in color. The Pectoral fins are transparent. The sides are silver with a slight Yellow sheen. The Back is Brown and the Belly area White.


5 to 10 years


The Bala shark is one of the easiest fish to maintain it is also one of the most peaceful that minds its own business at all times. They do best in a water temperature of between 73° to 79°. pH slightly Alkaline to neutral. The only drawback to this great fish is that it grows too large for most home aquariums. The Bala shark is also a skilled jumper so a tight fitting cover is needed.


It has no specific feeding requirements and will accept all flake food as well as supplemental live.


Not critical.

Tank Decor:

The Tank should be large with live plants and also lots of swimming areas, the Bala is a very active fish which will cover all areas of the tank and will go over the substrate picking up pieces of food that were missed by others.


Filtration is very important as these fish are used to very clean water filtered by the plant life in the mangrove areas. They are robust fish, but this should not be taken to mean that they will tolerate poor water conditions.


Streams and rivers of Southeast Asia.


It is an Egg scatterer and has been reported to have been bred in the aquarium.

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